Flameworking Classes with Jack Barnes
No experience required!
Pieces completed on the day of your lesson will be available to pick up the next day when the kiln is cooled down
Make sure to bring lots of water and eat before, glassblowing is a very heat intensive activity
Wear closed toe shoes with thick soles
Wear pants
Make sure you follow all rules and safety instructions
Don't touch hot glass/tools
Don't reach under the flame
Beware of pulling glass too thin and creating glass splinters
Beware of blowing glass too thin and creating bubble trash
When setting down hot glass/tools, face them away from you
All glass scraps and trash goes into the trash bucket on desk
Vent fan will be running while the torch is on to ensure all fumes are getting ventilated and fresh air is coming in
When turning on torch: Propane → Oxygen
When turning off torch: Oxygen → Propane
Torch/ Mini Torch - A tool that produces a flame used for heating glass in glassblowing or lampworking. A mini torch is a smaller version of the torch.
Gas oxygen/propane - The fuel combination used to power the torch. Oxygen supports combustion, while propane provides the heat.
Kiln/anneal - A furnace used to heat-treat glass objects to relieve internal stresses and strengthen them. Annealing is the process of slowly cooling the glass in the kiln to prevent cracking or breaking.
Glass rod/tubing - Solid glass rods or hollow tubes are used as the starting material for glassblowing or lampworking.
Glass color
Rod - glass color that comes in rod form, generally about 7-9mm thick
Tubing - premade tubing with glass color
Frit - Crushed or ground glass particles that can be used for decorative purposes or as a colorant in glassblowing.
Striking colors - Glass colors that change their appearance when exposed to heat or different lighting conditions.
Stringer - Thin glass rods or threads used for detailed designs or delicate work.
Bubble trash - glass trash from getting blown out too thin, very harmful if inhaled
Punty - A solid rod used to hold and support the glass piece during the process.
Blowtube - a glass tube used for connecting and holding hollow pieces
Foot pedal - A control mechanism operated by foot pressure that regulates the flow of gas and oxygen to the torch.
Graphite tools - Tools made from graphite, a heat-resistant material, used for shaping and manipulating hot glass.
Scuzz/boil - Impurities or contaminants that can appear as bubbles or discoloration on the glass surface during the heating process.
Marver - A flat surface, often made of steel or graphite, used to shape and cool the glass.
Reamer - A tool used to widen the opening of a glass hole